About Safe Schools IPM


Safe Schools Integrated Pest Management performs pest control services for New Jersey school districts while guiding administrators through complex laws associated with pesticide usage. We utilize industry-leading practices to manage pests, effectively reducing pesticide exposure to students and staff in NJ schools.

Our site-specific programs and free staff training, in accordance with Integrated Pest Management (IPM) laws (N.J.A.C. 7:30-13.3), help school districts mitigate legal risk.


The Safe Schools IPM Impact

We eliminate the guesswork and create peace of mind.

School administrators are tasked with handling multiple, daily educational initiatives. The site-specific protocol for handling pests can be overlooked. Safe Schools IPM eliminates the guesswork. We create a custom program that contains a set of working documents, instead of generic templates that provide a false sense of compliance.

From implementing proper pest control techniques to managing each aspect of your records, our detailed scope of work goes beyond that of a standard exterminating company. School districts realize peace of mind when contracting with Safe Schools IPM since each service action is properly performed and documented.


Entrusting the responsibility of your IPM program with a reputable contractor is essential and Safe Schools IPM is that contractor.”

- Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds
