
Written reviews from Supervisors of Buildings and Grounds about our IPM Services:

Entrusting the responsibility of your IPM program with a reputable contractor is essential and Safe Schools IPM is that contractor.
Safe Schools IPM works diligently to ensure that we are consistently meeting the goals set forth in our district’s IPM plan.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Safe Schools IPM for all the help and support during a recent IPM audit. Facing an inquiry of this magnitude is a challenging task, one which I was happy not to have faced alone.

Overall, this program helps with the safety of our students and staff.
One of the best aspects of this service is that information is brought to me.
As a client who deals with many contractors in many different areas of facility management, Safe Schools IPM’s level of commitment is certainly a rarity and a major asset to the operations of our district.

It is clear that Safe Schools IPM takes pride in their work and always have our best interests in mind.
Our students and staff benefit from a safer learning environment.

Safe Schools IPM’s knowledge and professionalism is beyond compare. They were instrumental in guiding me through an audit and I was not even a client at the time.